How to Get Rid of Rats

Want to know how to get rid of rats in and around your home?  They can be a huge nuisance in the house. The bad news is, you may not see them until there is a problem and it becomes more difficult to get rid of the rats. Rodents can cause damage to your home, contaminate food and carry diseases. Fortunately, there are ways to effectively get rid of rats in your home -- rat traps, baits and exclusion.

The first step in ridding your home of rats is to find THEIR home. Rats are nocturnal so usually they aren't seen during the day, however look for these signs:

  • rat droppings, especially around trash areas or pet food

  • strange noises at night

  • rat nests, piled debris in hidden areas

  • frayed wires or wood damage

  • burrows around the yard or under your home

  • marks or hair on the walls indicating rat movement

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Rodent Traps

If the rodent trapping process isn’t approached correctly the rats will sense danger and not go onto the traps. One way to get around this hurdle and convince rats to approach the trap is to trick them into thinking the trap is a safe object. Start by placing bait on your trap, but don’t set it quite yet. Once you notice that something is eating or stealing the bait, typically after a few days, place fresh bait on the trap and set it. If the rats have been avoiding the trap because they were suspicious or afraid, this trick should help attract them to the trap. When setting rat traps it is important that they are inspected regularly in case a rat is caught. Otherwise you may attract other insects and most certainly experience foul odors. Snap Traps and Glueboards are the most common types of rat traps used.

Rodent Baits

Baits are typically used to lure rats into the traps. Dry pet food, nuts, dried fruits, bacon are most effective. Softer baits do not work as well since rats can sometimes pull off the bait without snapping the trap. Rodenticides are best left to be handled by a licensed pest control professional as we have the knowledge to properly and safely use these potentially dangerous products.


It’s important for a professional like Bug Assassin to the inspect your home to repair and seal off any areas where rodents could make their way inside. This includes areas with vents, small gaps around pipes or wires, holes in fascia or eaves. Without identifying and repairing these problem spots rodents will most likely return and inhabit your home again.

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Bait Stations

Once rats have been caught it is very important to have prevention rodent services. Bait stations are enclosed equipment in which a rodenticide bait is placed. We place these little black boxes around the outside of your home.  Rats can enter the stations to eat the bait but these boxes do not trap the raps.  The number of bait stations depends on the size of your home and rodent activity in your area.

If you would like to speak with us about getting rid of rats in your home or preventing rodent activity, please get in touch with us.  We will be able to answer any questions and provide a quote to keep your home rodent free!


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