Pest Library
What You Need To Know About Pests In Sebastian and Vero Beach, FL
It is no secret that local pests cause enormous problems for homeowners, business owners, and those who live and work in our area. Being unaware of an impending pest problem may cause property damage, health concerns, and even legal issues for those caught off guard. For this reason, Bug Assassin Pest Management offers home pest control and commercial pest management solutions that can effectively eliminate any type of infestation you might be facing. Keep yourself informed of potential issues by referring to the list of local pests below.
By far some of the most plentiful insects in the United States, ants rely on human scraps and garbage bags for consistent food sources. Fire ants are perhaps the most well-known of these pests due to their prevalence and aggressive nature. Big headed ants are a successful non-native species easily spotted due to their large and ungainly head size. Ghost ants, almost translucent pests that are extremely difficult to see, may create food contamination issues for households and businesses.
The type of destruction caused by ants varies wildly from species to species. Fire ants are known for their painful stings. Big headed ants are best known for their large and unattractive nesting sites. Ghost ants are extremely adept at sneaking into homes and stealing food, leading to contamination.
The first step towards preventing ants from entering the home is by keeping them from infesting the property. Keep your yard clean, well maintained, and highly manicured. Clean up all food sources both outside and inside the house to reduce the frequency of wandering ant scouts. A homeowner may find it helpful to complete a deep cleaning of their home to mitigate crumb availability.
By far some of the most plentiful insects in the United States, ants rely on human scraps and garbage bags for consistent food sources. Fire ants are perhaps the most well-known of these pests due to their prevalence and aggressive nature. Big headed ants are a successful non-native species easily spotted due to their large and ungainly head size. Ghost ants, almost translucent pests that are extremely difficult to see, may create food contamination issues for households and businesses.
The type of destruction caused by ants varies wildly from species to species. Fire ants are known for their painful stings. Big headed ants are best known for their large and unattractive nesting sites. Ghost ants are extremely adept at sneaking into homes and stealing food, leading to contamination.
The first step towards preventing ants from entering the home is by keeping them from infesting the property. Keep your yard clean, well maintained, and highly manicured. Clean up all food sources both outside and inside the house to reduce the frequency of wandering ant scouts. A homeowner may find it helpful to complete a deep cleaning of their home to mitigate crumb availability.
While mosquitoes in the United States may be slightly less dangerous than those found in other countries, they still endanger human health and wellness. You can quickly identify mosquitoes by the bites they leave behind as well as their whining flight sounds. These tiny insects have six legs, a long proboscis, and wings.
In many cases, you can equate mosquito activity to the spread of several illnesses, including dengue fever and encephalitis. Without treatment, these medical complications may become extremely serious and even life-threatening. Not every mosquito bite will transfer a disease, but each one will raise your risk significantly.
Mosquito prevention in Sebastian, FL should start with proper lawn management. Keep the grass trimmed low and tree branches pruned back. Pools of stagnant water should be drained or treated with a larvicide that reduces mosquito breeding. Abatement programs from Bug Assassin Pest Management are also available for ongoing use.
Certain types of pests pose physical, mental, and even financial problems to homeowners. One example includes rodents, more specifically Norway rats and roof rats. Norway rats are large pests that can measure as much as ten inches long without their tail. They usually have no defined underbelly color and infiltrate homes from the ground. In contrast, roof rats may enter homes from cracks in the roof or attic and possess much longer tails and darker body fur.
Rats cause physical damage to people by wounding with their teeth and claws. Diseases distributed through physical contact or exposure to carrion and waste may put homeowners at risk of contracting hantavirus. Rats are often a psychological terror as well and cause significant stress and anxiety in those dealing with the problem. Removing a rat infestation in Sebastian, FL may cost a considerable amount of money if not addressed properly in its early stages.
Protect your house from rats by looking for ways to reduce cracks and gaps leading inside your home. Install a chimney cap and add weatherstripping for extra security around doors, windows, and corners. Reduce food availability and water access to keep your house safe from potential rat activity.
Stinging Insects
Stinging insects take on an enormous variety of forms and functions. Some species, such as wasps, are highly territorial and known to chase those who happen to walk nearby. Other types, such as bees, are much less aggressive and spend their days pollinating and disseminating genetic material from flower to flower. While bees are often fuzzy and have wings smaller than their bodies, wasps are hairless, angular, and have long wings.
Wasps are much more dangerous than bees. While bees may only sting once before dying, wasps may sting multiple times, often without stopping. Individuals with serious allergic reactions may experience anaphylactic shock post-sting. Unless an epinephrine injection is owned or available nearby, a hospital visit may be necessary to ensure survival.
Both wasps and bees are extremely beneficial to the environment, but their presence near the home may be extremely dangerous. Prevent them from getting too close by reducing the number of flowering plants in the yard or garden. Monitor the eaves of the home for signs of nest-building behavior. Finally, cut all tree branches or dense shrubs that may be providing shady harborage zones for stinging insects.
Subterranean termites are some of the most difficult pest species to spot in a residential home. These termites measure little more than an eighth of an inch long at maturity and have off-white, yellowish, or cream-colored exoskeletons. Subterranean termites build what is known as mud tunnels in order to travel between food sources and the home colony. Spotting a mud tunnel anywhere around the house is a sure sign of a infestation.
Termites do not require rest like other animals, which allows them to eat holes into structural supports at all hours of the day. Research suggests that the subterranean termite can eat approximately one foot of a 2x4 beam within five months.
Start preventing subterranean termites in Sebastian, FL by eliminating food and water sources around your home. Reduce access to wood items by stacking firewood at least 25 feet away from your house. Pretreat all construction wood with a termite deterrent. Limit or remove landscape mulching from your yard entirely. For additional protection, have an annual termite treatment completed by Bug Assassin Pest Management.